Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Beginnings

Today, our own Nick Petrillo left for Baltimore to begin his studies at St. Mary's Seminary and University in Baltimore.  I'm sure that he'd appreciate hearing from parishioners.  Good luck Nick!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Getting ready for Real Faith TV

Next Tuesday, August 14th, I'll be travelling over to Bordentown, NJ to help celebrate Mass on the last day of filming for RFTV.  I've been doing this for about 12 years now.  It's always been a fun event for me, being with the young people who film and produce this award-winning TV show.  It's traditionally been a very "informal" Mass, but always a special time to celebrate with these fine young people.
This year Bishop O'Connell will be the main celebrant and preacher.  I'll just be the sacristan and concelebrate in the background as we celebrate the vigil of the Assumption of Mary, the Patroness of our diocese.  I hope and pray that this Mass will be inspiring for our young people who are involved in this wonderful evangelization ministry.